It's not just Dance...it's a way to grow up!
Please download the Dance Impact app from your app Store on your mobile device for a more user friendly experience
We are always looking for new enthusiastic instructors to join our team. Email resume to Traceesdanceimpact@hotmail.com
Am I permitted to watch my child?
Yes, we have large viewing windows and glass doors where you can observe from anywhere in the lobby.
What does my child wear to class?
Shoes can be ordered and purchased through the front desk.
Hair: All hair must be pulled up neatly off face and neck. Classical ballet classes must have a bun.
B/T COMBO CLASSES Wear Pink Ballet Shoes and Caramel Tie Tap Shoes
JAZZ CLASSES Wear Caramel Jazz Shoes
B/T/J AGE 5-7 COMBO CLASSES Wear Pink Ballet Shoes, Caramel Tie Tap Shoes, Caramel Jazz Shoes
T/J AGE 7-9 COMBO CLASS Wear Caramel Buckle Tap Shoes, Caramel Jazz Shoes
HIP HOP CLASSES Wear Black Low Top Converse Sneakers That you can find in stores or online
FULL HOUR CLASSICAL BALLET CLASSES level 1 & 2 With Helen or Eddy wear black leotards, pink
tights and hair slicked back into a bun
COMPETITIVE TEAM DRESS CODE for non-ballet classes are black and/or red snug fitting dance attire
ALL OTHER DANCE CLASSES wear any style and color of dance attire (not baggy except
hip hop)
What should I register my child for:
2-5 year olds take a ballet tap combo class
5-6 year olds take a ballet tap jazz combo class and optional tumble or lyrical or hip hop(age 5 & up)
7-9 year olds take a tap jazz combo class and are recommended to continue ballet and add other optional genres.
We also offer acro/tumble, hip hop, and lyrical which are designed to enhance your child's training and are recommend to further training
10 & up take class of their choice ballet, tap, jazz, lyrical, tumble/acro, or hip hop
Our competitive teams usually consist of students who have followed our recommended program through the years adding the recommended additional subjects.
Why are some children in more recital dances than others?
One hour classes perform one dance. Classes more than one hour perform two. If a child takes 8 dance classes, they may be in 8 recital dances.
Why does my child's class seem to be repeating steps from week to week?
As in any sport or activity, physical movements must be repeated thousands of times in order to achieve one's personal best. Repetiton will help define and train the muscles to help your child have cleaner technique and a stronger foundation. Even professional dancers repeat the basics daily.
If my child drops out, am I still responsible for tuition?
As long as we receive an email notice of discontinuation 14 days before the next billing cycle, you will not be responsible for any future payments.
Why did my child's friend move up to a higher level than my child?
Although we try to keep classes together as much as possible, sometimes a gap grows between those who take once a week, to those who take multiple subjects. Please trust your instructors professional recommendation for which your child is designated. All children perform at different levels, some need a review of previous material, and some need more of a challenge. They will not get bored as we are always using new music and combinations to make class interesting and fun. Teachers take into account technical ability along with how quickly they learn and master new technique and choreography. These are things only the trained eye can evaluate. We want them to be confident and feel good about themselves, this is more important than being in a class with their friends. They will meet new friends. Please trust our judgement.
Why do I have to pay a registration fee every year?
Tuition covers the cost of dance lessons. The registration fee helps to cover the administrative costs relating to the dance lessons.